Sunday, February 26, 2012

Book Review: The Power of a Woman's Words

The Power of a Woman’s Words
 by Sharon Jaynes

Best For:   All women to be challenged and reminded of the potential for impacting various people with our words.

Overview: The book is separated into three sections-the power we possess, the people we impact (children, husband, friends, believers, the world, and God), and the potential to change. I love the many quotes and scriptures she inserts into the chapters throughout the book. Sharon also includes a myriad of real life illustrations. I really appreciate the ideas at the end of a few chapters, such as for kids and husbands-words to avoid, words they long to hear. At the end of another chapter there’s a list of simple words of kindness to use when speaking with anyone. In the last section of the book on the potential for change, Sharon shares there are at least twelve proverbs that tell how the heart affects our speech-change begins with the heart. Sharon also gives a list on the difference between truly listening and waiting for your turn to talk…great insight!

Few Quotes:
 “When we become women who expect the best in others and use our words to tell them so, they usually go to great lengths to meet our expectations.”

“I am the product of the power of a woman’s words. Mrs. Henderson’s words to me about Jesus Christ and God’s love changed my life. But it wasn’t just her words about Jesus that made the difference. It was her words about life in general that drew me like iron shavings to a magnet. She made me want what she had-excitement, enthusiasm, and a zest for life.”

“If we want to change the way we speak, I believe the first step is to check on the condition of the heart.”

“Jesus was a very busy man. And yet He was never too busy to offer a kind word to the men and women who crossed His path on a daily basis…they were not interruptions at all. Each encounter was a divine appointment from His heavenly Father, who controlled the moments of Jesus’ days. Could it be that God is sending us out on special assignment each time we cross the thresholds of our homes?”

Application:  I challenged my kids and myself to memorize Proverbs 18:21 “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” I want them to know the affect of their own words at a young age. It has been helpful in doing so because in situations I refer them to that scripture and ask them if their words are bringing death or life to someone else. Just by teaching and asking my kids that question helps remind me, too! I think a testimony of this is seen in our kids. Our son Rob was really being complimented for dressing up for church. My husband and I believe that our older son Marcus began to dress up for church as well- for one of the reasons being that he heard the positive praise Rob got for doing so. Positive praise and encouragement have brought an atmosphere into our home that makes it pleasant to dwell in for everyone.

My thoughts: Not only are our words powerful, but this book is powerful! It is vital to read about the power of our words and the impact and affect of them on people’s lives. I highly recommend this book as it challenges, convicts, inspires, equips, and encourages all to think before we speak. Our words can change the course of someone’s life!  After reading this book I desired to pray, for the author states that words are “never more powerful than when we use our words in prayer.” 

“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer.” ~ Psalm 19:14

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